Fry grated carrot in a non-stick pan with 3-4 spoons of ghee, fry upto 10 mins till you get a nice flavour.
Add 2 cups of Milk to the fried grated carrot and boil. If the Milk is too thick, add water. I use 70:30 of Milk :Water in US. In India its not needed as milkman itself will do that for you :) Boil for atleast 30 mins on medium flame.
Add 1 cup of sugar and keep boiling for another 30 mins, keep stirring once in a while. Now while carrot is boiling, fry cashew nuts and raisins with Ghee. Check the consistency of carrot mixture, once you see that the consistency is thick add fried cashew nuts and raisins and keep boiling. As it comes to final stage you may want to stir continuosly to avoid burnt smell. The Dish is ready when you see all the Milk is sucked by carrot. Transfer it into a box or vessel. I trasferred it into a disposable tray (This dish is going to rock in pot-luck ;)).
My mouth is watering , come home ASAP, eagerly waiting to eat your carrot halwa :)
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